REMIND: REMIND is a very useful means of communication between TEACHER & student Mr OLIVER will use REMIND a lot to communicate important information to the class
To sign up for REMIND: Put this code: @6728b4a in the body of a new text send to the number: 81010 You will receive a welcome text from REMIND. Please respond with your FULL NAME If you have trouble with 81010, you can try texting @6728b4a to (920) 933-4144.
Email: [email protected] Message on Google classroom REMIND message Google Voice Telephone: 404-907-1358
TUTORIALS: Monsieur OLIVER is available for TUTORIAL sessions EVERY week day after school hours (3.45-4.30pm) Please be sure to check Google Classroom in advance for Zoom access codes
***VERY IMPORTANT*** You will need to sign up for Mr Oliver's French AP Course via the AP College Board website
Please make sure you READ the above SYLLABUS (see PPT link) then CLICK on the following GOOGLE DOC link, FILL IN the required information by BOTH STUDENT and PARENT/GUARDIAN:
More advanced THEMATIC VOCABULARY to assist in the AP COURSE: The following link is also THEMATIC but takes vocabulary to the next level, it contains TONS of great useful vocab and expressions for success in the AP course:
There are no specific State standards for AP classes. Assuming most students will be taking AP French after their 4th year of French study, it stands to reason that the State Standards for level 5 should be applicable to students in an AP course:
Exam OverviewAP FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: 3 HOURS Exam: questions are based on thesix learning objectivesand assess all themes. As much as possible, students read and listen to authentic texts from the francophone world throughout the exam.
Section I: Multiple Choice | 65 Questions | 95 mins | 50% of Exam Score
---Interpretive Communication---
Part A: 30 questions; 40 mins - Print Texts: (Reading Comprehension) Part B: 35 questions; 55 mins - Print & Audio Texts: (Reading & Listening Comprehension combined)
Section II:
Free Response | 4 Tasks | 80 mins | 50% of Exam Score
---Presentational Writing--- 2. Persuasive Essay (1 title prompt; 3 sources, 55 mins total: 15 mins to review materials, 40 mins to write) ---Interpersonal Speaking--- 3. Conversation (5 prompts; 20 seconds for each response)
---Presentational Speaking--- 4. Cultural Comparison (1 prompt; 2 mins to respond)
***In order to be successful, students MUSTconstantly and consistently be reading French articles (online, magazines, newspapers etc.) watching movies in French, watching the news in French and ideally, reading several French novels.***
My 3 main personal favorite sites would be:
TV5Monde is a fantastic source of material, including the live bulletins of global news stories AND the bulletins of news events occurring in Africa and other Francophone countries:
FRANCE24 another fantastic source of news material,with live global news stories AND news events occurring in Africa and other Francophone countries:
1jour1actu although aimed at young children, a great source of material and commentary,with short texts and commentaries on hot global topics AND audio scripts:
Of course, YouTube has TONS of material that is wonderful and constantly updated - students should find channels they enjoy and subscribe so they are constantly kept up to date.
A fun trick is to turn your cellphone language to French! That way you are FORCED to think in French!
Another, link your phone to one of the French 24 hour news channels (TV5Monde or FRANCE24 - see links above) so your phone hits you up with news updates in French!
There is NO prescribed AP French vocabulary list. Students are expected to read constantly and as much as possible to broaden their vocabulary repertoire.
***Grammar is not taught extrinsically in the AP FRENCH COURSE***
It is assumed that students taking the AP French course have already mastered French grammar in previous years.
We will look at GLOBAL grammatical concepts as a class or, if as a whole, there are glaring gaps in ability/knowledge. But students will be expected to study grammar on their own and seek help via Tutorial times Grammar use IS graded as part of the AP exam scoring:
- good, complex, accurate and well-expressed grammar will score highly - grammar that is poorly mastered will lower the score, especially if it impedes communication and forces the examiner to struggle to determine what a student is trying to express.
The Six Themes:
The AP French course is divided thematically into 6 Thèmes -
Thème 1: La Famille et la Communauté Thème 2: La Science et la Technologie Thème 3: L'Esthétique Thème 4: La Vie Contemporaine Thème 5: Les Défis Mondiaux Thème 6: La Quête de Soi
- parler des genres et formules d'art littéraire - utiliser les expression : "dès" et "avoir de la facilité" - apprendre les bénéfices de l'art dans la philosophie et connaître l'œuvre de Dai Sijie - utiliser les articles correctement et les omettre quand ils ne sont pas nécessaires
- utiliser les expression : "de toutes...forces" et "à sa façon" - connaître l'œuvre de Kazuyo Sejima et l'Exposition universelle de Montréal - apprendre des critiques de la Tour Eiffel - utiliser les prépositions et bien placer les adjectifs
Qu'est-ce que l'identité d'une personne? Comment l'identité se développe-t-elle ? Quelles sont les facteurs les plus influentes sur le développement humain?
Quelle est notre relation avec notre JE le plus intime?
Questions of Inquiry: Comment la langue influence-t-elle l'identité?
Comment est-on enrichi par les produits, les points de vue d'autres cultures?
Quelles valeurs a le nationalisme pour les individus et les institutions?